Workshop on Socializing the LPDP and Chevening Overseas Scholarship Program to BKKBN Employee

Workshop on Socializing the LPDP and Chevening Overseas Scholarship Program to BKKBN Employee

Deputy for Training Research and Development of BKKBN, Prof Rizal Damanik PhD through the Center for International Training and Collaboration has held a Workshop on Socializing the LPDP and Chevening Overseas Scholarship for BKKBN Employee on 27 August 2021 virtually through the zoom cloud meeting application. This activity was opened by the Acting Coordinator of International Cooperation, Education and Training, Ms. Alifah Nuranti and attended supported by the presentation and sharing information on Chevening and LPDP oeversease study scholarship. at the begining, Ms. Raras Tulandaru, the Network and Alumni Officer of British Embassy Jakarta provide the comprehensive information on Chevening Scholarship then followed by Pravitasari as a 2021 Chevening scholarship grantee.

The presentation continue with the sharing information, experiences and strategies to deal with the test to winning the scholarship LPDP by two LPDP scholarship Master degree grantee 2021 namely Ayu Sajida (East Java Province) and Suci Anggraini (West Kalimantan Province). The presentation then completed by the presentation from Ridwan Nugraha (Head Office) who share his experience in the processing of scholarship registration for LPDP.

Approximately more than 150 participants employees of BKKBN Central and Provincial offices took place and participated in this workshop.The purpose of this activity is to increase the competence of human resources BKKBN. BKKBN employees are expected to have broad insight, competence, skill and resilience in facing current and future challenges. This activity is expected to be used as a forum for Employee to preparing the registration of any scholarship opportunities including the selection of study programs. The study program selected should be in line with the task and needs of BKKBN. In addition, it is hoped that this participants could aslo have the information on how winning the overseas study schoarship provided by LPDP and Chevening.


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