LPDP Scholarship Interview Test Briefing Batch I
Deputy for Training Research and Development of BKKBN, Prof Rizal Damanik PhD through the Center for International Training and Collaboration has held an LPDP Scholarship Interview Test Briefing virtually for BKKBN Potential Employees for overseas study on July 5, 2021, through the Zoom Cloud meetings application. This activity was opened by the Deputy for Training, Research and Development of BKKBN, Prof. Rizal Damanik, PhD and was moderated by the Head of Center for International Training and Collaboration, Dr. Ukik Kusuma Kurniawan. This activity is supported by by Scholarship Mentor – Branch Director of Sun Education Lampung who shared tips on preparing for an LPDP scholarship interview and three LPDP alumni (BKKBN employees) and three non-BKKBN LPDP alumni which have share insights and experiences how to deal with the LPDP interview test to the seven potential BKKBN employees who passed the administrative and academic substance and will carry out an interview test.
The purpose to implement this activity is to develop the competence of human resources in BKKBN so that employees are expected to have broad insight, competence, skill and resilience in facing current and future challenges. Moreover, this activity is expected to be a forum for participants to ask and record with both information and experiences presented by the speakers and alumni awardee scholarship LPDP, until then it can be a provision to deal with the Interview test and get a scholarship abroad of LPDP scholarship Master and Doctoral degree program.