After Presidential Regulation Number 72/2021 Policy: Where Do We Go From Here?

National Population and Family Planning Board (BKKBN) carried out the International Webinar with the theme “After Presidential Regulation Number 72 the Year 2021 Policy: Where do We Go From Here?” virtually through zoom application and broadcasted by BKKBN Official Youtube on 2 March 2022.


Presidential Regulation Number 72 the Year 2021 regarding The Acceleration Stunting Reduction has been ratified by the President of the Republic of Indonesia on 5 August 2021. National Population and Family Planning Board (BKKBN) has been mandated as coordinator in stunting reduction in Indonesia to achieve 14 percent of the national target.

Stunting is the impaired growth and development in children under 5 (five) years old or called toddlers due to chronic malnutrition, repeated infections, and inadequate social stimulation, especially in the first 1000 days of life. In 2019, the prevalence of stunting under five in Indonesia was around 27.67 percent, meaning that more than a quarter of children under five in Indonesia experience malnutrition for a long time.

The chairman of BKKBN, Dr.(H.C) Hasto Wardoyo, MD, OBGYN was represented by Deputy for Population Control, Dr. Ir. Dwi Listyawardani, M.Sc, Dip.Com in the opening remarks explained that “in the strategy for the acceleration of stunting reduction program, BKKBN has prepared three concepts, namely: 1) The first is the National Action Plan for the Acceleration of Stunting Reduction, named RAN PASTI. We will sharpen the intervention at the upstream level prioritizing preventing the birth of stunting children; 2) Second, we implement an incubation program/critical success factor to produce high leverage by intervening in the existing constraints and focusing on them. So, we can reduce stunting rates more quickly with not much huge resources; 3) The third, of course, must be supported by an accurate formation data collection system that in real-time from time to time”.

On the same occasion, Deputy for Training, Research, and Development BKKBN, Prof Rizal Damanik presented regarding the chapter content of Presidential Regulation Number 72 the Year 2021. Furthermore, the 3 experts from  Australia, Taiwan, and Indonesia. They gave their view on that regulation  moderated by Dr Rita Damayanti from University of Indonesia.

Prof Susan Tai said that “The pregnant women’s health has a direct impact on fetus growth so that it is important to early identify pregnant women who have health problems and try to improve their health before giving birth”.

Meanwhile, Prof Widjaja Lukito explained that “there are 4 (four) important things in acceleration stunting reduction such as 1) strengthening planning and budgeting; 2) improving the quality of implementation; 3) improving the quality of monitoring, evaluation, and reporting; 3) human resources capacity building”.

Prof Mark L Wahlqvist in his presentation entitle Nutrition and Health mentioned the correlation between food, nutrition, and healthy life expectancy for each individual.

This webinar was watched by nearly 600 participants from various backgrounds throughout Indonesia.




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