Celebrating World Contraception Day 2020, BKKBN Launches “KlikKB”

The drastic decline in contraceptive use while the Covid-19 pandemic is raging has resulted in an increase of unwanted pregnancies. The rate of increase is also siginficant at 17.5%, which means that 17 out of 100 pregnancies are unwanted. Narrowed access that couples of reproductive age (CRA) has to contraceptive services has been identified as one of the causes.

The data were shared by Head of BKKBN Dr (H.C) dr. Hasto Wardoyo, Sp.OG (K) during the launch of “KlikKB” application in Jakarta (17/8) as part of the “World Contraception Day” commemoration.

“There are several other drivers, such the concerns on the part of the contraceptive acceptors in visiting health facilities, close down of several providers, or simply difficulty to travel to health facilities due to the large-scale social restrictions,” he added.

Nevertheless, to address the issue of unwanted pregnancy, contraceptive services must be continued to help CRA meet family planning goals, namely to delay pregnancy, to space births, and to control fertility.

To ensure CRA can have unhindered access to information, receive contraceptive services, and maintain their contraceptive participation, BKKBN has developed an app called “KlikKB”. The app connects contraceptive acceptors with midwives, thereby allowing the two parties to consult real-time.

In details, the app is equipped with a live chat feature with service providers, directory of family planning providers, and reminder for both providers and acceptors of scheduled services for repeat contraceptive methods. Acceptors can also use the app to make a visit appointment ahead of schedule to minimize waiting time on site.

The reminder feature is particularly useful for acceptors of pills, as they need to take a birth control pill on a daily basis. This is an important use of the app to avoid contraceptive drop out, which remains at a high rate even today especially for short-acting contraceptives. In the past three months alone, drop op rate has reached 10% out of 36 million of CAR.

Moreover, KlikKB is expected to support the progress of Family Development, Population, and Family Planning Program (“Bangga Kencana”) by learning of CAR’s contraceptive needs to inform program policies. Moreover, availability of contraceptive devices can be moniored and stock out at health facilities prevented.

“KlikKB” will be continued to be developed in stages as designed and the number of health workers linked to the app will be added incrementally according to the app’s progressing capacity. Currently, there are 2,000 midwives and counsellor midwives throughout Indonesia who are involved as service providers in “KlikKB”. An additional of 2,000 midwives are being prepared to serve Java and Bali regions. App promotion and introduction are also being done in stages – first in 7 provinces, and then 12 provinces, and 15 provinces in the third stage.

“KlikKB” is expected to bring family planning and reproductive health services closer to their acceptors. Techology use has played an rapidly growing role in an ever-changing world, including in the delivery of contaceptive services. With the app, safe, harmonious, and self-reliant families can be nurtured through the promotion of family planning.

“KlikKB” was launched by BKBBN as part of the commemoration of the World Contraception Day that falls every 26th of September. It is an annual global campaign to promote planned pregnancies around the world. The World Contraception Day was first celebrated in 2017 with a mission to raise awareness on contraception and to educate more people so that they can better understand and are able to make informed decisions about their reproductive health.


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