‘One Day, One Million Contraceptive Acceptor’ Program Takes Place During Covid-19 Pandemic

Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) has been declared as a global pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). In line with that, Presidential Decree Number 11 of 2020 Dated 31 March 2020 recognizes Covid-19 as a disease that may lead to an emergency situation. As a non-natural disaster, appropriate response measures are crucial to prevent the increase of cases. In Indonesia, the Covid-19 outbreak started in March 2020 and since then has brought widepsread consequences to all facets of life, including the decline of access to healthcare. For the family planning program, Covid-19 has limited access of existing and new participants to service providers.

The significant decrease in contraceptive participation is the result of public’s concerns of their safety when accessing family planning services. However, if this continues, baby boom may happen in the years to come. According to the Head of the National Population and Family Planning Board (BKKBN) dr.Hasto Wardoyo, Sp.OG(K), “Covid-19 has brought severe impacts to family planning services. Our current program is heavily face to face oriented, where our field officers and volunteers meet directly with community members person to person. Physical distancing policy clearly affects the program’s delivery.”

As a vital element of the society, a family’s role in determining the nation’s fate cannot be understimated. Families’ psychological condition is an important factor and will decide Indonesia’s success in overcoming the pandemic. In short, the pandemic tests the resiliency of families.

BKKBN has the mandate to support the attainment of national vision, mission, and development priorities that articulated in latest 2020-20204 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN). The national plan has been translated to BKKBN’s 2020-2024 Strategic Plan. To realize quality family planning services, strengthen family planning participation commitment, and to sustain contraceptive use throughout the pandemic, BKKBN launched the “One Day, One Million Acceptors Movement”, targeting Indonesian families in the archipelago. In designing the strategy, BKKBN accommodated local customs and Covid-19 health protocols.
The movement was executed on the National Family Day on Juni 29, 2020 concurrently throughout Indonesia and lasted from 08.00 AM to 10.00 PM. The result was recorded and reported to Indonesian Records Museum (MURI). The qick count survei indicated that a total of 1,355,294 contraceptive acceptors were reached out during the day. The quick count used an app developed by BKKBN’s Directorate of Reporting and Statistics based on KoBo ToolBox of the UNOCHA (United Nations Officer for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs). BKKBN has had an official account with KoBo ToolBox and can make use of unlimited incoming data which were updated real time during the day every 30 to 60 minutes.

On the field, One Million Acceptors took place in primary healthcare facilities (Puskesmas, focusing on facilities with inpatient unit), private midwive practices, and hospitals/clinics. Additionally, services were also delivered through home visits and mobile family planning services. On the day, acceptors could access a wide range of family planning services. Contraceptive initiation (including post delivery), regular contraceptives, and method switching were available for pillls, condoms, injectables, IUDs, implants, female sterilization, and male sterilization. All services were delivered with special care to quality, the status of Covid-19 on the site, and strict health protocols.

Data collection and reporting were done simultaneously by extension officers, field officers, volunteers, health workers in the family planning unit, and regency/city operators throughout Indonesia. To ensure the program ran smoothly, BKKBN also collaborated with other stakeholders, such as the Indonesian military through an area’s military command.

One Day, One Million Acceptors was a breakthrough program from BKKBN to make sure family planning services continued despite Covid-19 and demonstrated BKKBN’s care and responsibility for the future of Indonesian families.





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